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Trinidad Boneless Stewed Pork


Cook time -1 hr servings -6 persons

2 pounds of chopped pork meat

1 bunch of cilantro

2 stalks of green onions

6 cloves of garlic

3ozs of fresh ginger

1 habanero pepper

2 tablespoon worchestshire

2 tablespoon ketchup

1 teaspoon coriander powder

1 stalk of rosemary

2 stalks of thyme

1 stalk of oregano

3 tablespoons of white sugar

1 large tomato cubed

1 small white onion sliced

1 tablespoon of salt

1 tablespoon of ground black pepper


Wash your pork with cold water and drain.

Place the cilantro, green onions, habanero pepper, garlic and ginger all into a food processor. blend into a semi-fine paste.

Add the fresh ground herbs into the bowl with the pork, add the worchestershire, chopped onions, coriander, salt, black pepper and Mix this well into the pork and marinate 4 hrs or more

Heat a heavy pot Add the sugar Make sure your heat is on medium. brown Sugar.

Mix the pork with the brown colouting well. As it cooks the pork will pick up brown color.

Tie the rosemary, thyme, and oregano into a bunch and place in the pot,

Let the meat cook uncovered. It will release its own juices while it cooks. Once the juice it released has cooked out add 2 more cups of water to the pot and cover. Check every 10 minutes . Once the liquid has started to cook down and thicken, add your ketchup. This is when you want to taste for flavour and salt test.

Your meat should be tender to the touch

Sreve with Rice, pasta and or Vegetables your choice


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