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Another Milestone Reached

Updated: May 15, 2020

Hello Everyone Blessings. We hope you are havung a safe and wonderful day and week.

We want to thank, The First Responders, Nurses, Doctors, and all those that have our lives in their hands during this pandemic.

We ask that they do so safely and with the blessings of our Saviour, that they all return safely to your families daily.

The Sweet journey continues as we race towards our target. Caribbean Delights has surpassed 7000 Followers today and climbing and we are taking you-all along for this happy ride.

You make it continue to grow, remember, our greatest goal is to spread Caribbean Foods and Drinks Culture worldwide.

We all learn by sharing and no one's island or country will ever be excluded. We are inclusive now and always.

We will not degrade nor disparage anyone nor their contribution. We are expected to encourage and will do so.

In about 2 weeks, we will unveil our new and improved Caribbean delights Facebook page and our New re-vamped Website page

Your culinary contributions will always be anticipated, expected and accepted.

Be safe and obey the rules to stay alive.

May the Lord bless us all

Let's Live, Love and Eat well.



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