Sharing peace love and happiness
Hello Everyone, Blessings. We hope that your week thou unfinished has been good and continues to be one of your best this year. Soon, we will begin another as we have been blessed to receive. We hope that goodwill prevails in us at all times in order that others, less fortunate may enjoy some of our gifted blessings of peace, love and happiness. and it could be as close as next door. As a reminder the cookoff contest remains in effect until the 3rd of November 2019 that's when some lucky person will be paid $200.00 Canadian for any dish they prepared and post on the contest site. If it gets the most likes, you win, enter as often as you wish. We are not looking for a Master chef. Simply share something you prepared and get the most likes( nothing else) and win some dough. As always Live, Love and Eat well Please remember to "like"and follow caribbean delights. Bless up and be happy.